The are of course affectionately called Green Tints or Greenies. I've showed a few examples below showing the green tint next to the regular card for comparison.
You can clearly see the green tint on the card to the right. There are other tell tale signs of a green tint versus a regular card too. For instance, the button on the shirt of the on greenie is more visible than on the greenie. Each green tint card has a slightly different cropping of the picture. Some are easy to tell while others are not. Notice also the wood grain is much lighter on the green tine version that the non green tint.
Here is another side by side to see some differences.. This is the Conley side by side.
Of course I'm choosing examples where the Green Tint is fairly obvious so you can see them easily. There are many of the greenies however that are not so easy to tell apart and it takes years of studying them to know which is which.
One more clear example of a greenie next to a regular issue. You can see the cropping difference in the Indian's logo on Barry's left arm.
Now, some greenies are easy to spot because they are completely different images between the greenie and the regular image For example...
In the case of the Lee Walls cards, the green tint is on the left and you can clearly see the green sky. I believe there are six examples where the greenie doesn't share the same image as the non greenie.
- 129 Lee Walls
- 139 Hal Reniff
- 147 Bill Kunkel
- 174 Carl Willey
- 176 Eddie Yost
- 190 Wally Moon
I really like these variations for some reason and hope you do as well.
Enjoy the hobby's a great one.