I have always had the image of a nice home office that is essentially my "Baseball Room". Filled with baseball memorabilia, cards on display, cabinets, autographed balls, vintage equipment and so on and so on.

Well, over the years I have been accumulating a bunch of pieces that will someday go in this room, but I don't have a room. All of my stuff is in boxes, hidden away from sight, most of it is actually in a storage facility. (That makes it sound like I need a whole storage facility to house my collection. Far from it, there's a couple of boxes in there with my baseball stuff.) I do have my cards with me though. I get a lot of joy out of flipping through those little wonders. But even those are kept in a box, out of sight until I pull them out.
I sometimes wonder how other collectors store and/or display their wonderful collections. So, how about you? What do you do with your cards and memorabilia? Do you use albums for your cards, or are they in individual holders in a box like mine? Do you have some on little easels on shelves or on a desk? I know of one collector who had a wonderful way of mounting a bunch of graded cards as a border that went around his entire room with each card side by side. And another collector whose cards were on the walls housed within very nice looking display cases that held about 80 to 100 cards a piece. His collection looks very impressive displayed in this manner.
Some collectors have this whole Memorabilia Room thing figured out just right though. Check out this little corner of heaven that sets the standard to which my goal is set for my own room.

All of the images in this post are from the collection of Joe Kirschner from the New York metro area. He has been collecting these treasures for the past 11 years and has done a very nice job. His room is filled with enough stuff to keep a person busy for a couple days just to take it all in. Look at all of these vintage uniforms! They may not be Barry Halpers revolving closet of Babe Ruth's and Lou Gehrig's and every other HOFer, but these things are the genuine article. Vintage uni's from players that loved the game for the game, not for anything else.
Of course, this is mostly memorabilia, and I am more of a card guy, but I can't deny this stuff is awesome. In fact, like I said earlier, I also pick up this sort of stuff when I can find it at a price I can't turn down, but the fact that whatever I buy ends up in a box in storage keeps me from really seeking it out at this time. Someday though.....aaaaaaah.....someday.
Now, what about cards! How does one properly display his cards? Please share with me what you do. I'd be very happy to post about your collections and the many ways you have found to display them.
Keep your eyes on the prize people and enjoy the hobby, it's a great one.....
To see more more of Joe's collection, you can visit his website here. There are also several other collector's displays showcased on Joe's website.