Actually, I'm more upset that I didn't put a snipe on it as I would've beat this winning bid for sure.

However, after scrolling down into the listing, I noticed what makes this such a steal.
At first I thought there's no way this could be for real. I must be missing something here. But it all looked good.
The best part about this card is the back. It wasn't listed anywhere in the listing, but the back is a Red Cross back making this not a T206, but a T-215 instead. And, from what I can tell from the image, the caption at the bottom of the front is brown and not blue making this a Type I example, that's the more rare of the two if you're keeping track.
I'm certainly not an expert on these, but I know they are in damand and they command much more money than the same T206 pose in the same condition.

This one did sell for more than what it's common T206 counterpart would have, so I have to assume the bidder knew what he was looking at.
The closing price including shipping: $42.83
Nice job to someone out there. This is just another example of a good deal on eBay. Their out there if you just keep looking for them.
Enjoy the hobby all, it's a super duper one...